Phone - (516) 465-4075
Phone - (516) 465-4075
Files coming soon.
Please scroll down to see a description our Adult Programs for residents. For information on registration on any program, please visit our home page during the seasons listed in each description. If there are any questions please call the Recreation and Parks Administrative Office at (516) 465-4075.
The Recreation Adult Programs in the Field House are underway according to the following schedule:
Mondays Mens’ Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Wednesdays Mens’ Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Thursdays Adult Volleyball 7:30 – 10 p.m.
These programs are open to residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City who have graduated high school. A picture ID is required to sign in to any program. For further information, please contact the Recreation Office at 465-4075.
A fee schedule will be place for any resident adult interested in participating in Adult Activities in St. Paul’s Fieldhouse. All programs are open to any resident who is a high school graduate or older. The fee schedule is as follows:
10 Play Pass – good for any $50
Fieldhouse sport for 10 visits
5 Play Pass – good for any $25
Fieldhouse sport for 5 visits
A participant may also “pay as you go” but payment will only be accepted by check or credit card only, ONLY EXACT CHANGE IS ACCEPTED. “Pay as you go” prices will be $6. Passes may be purchased at the fieldhouse when arriving for your sport.
A participant may bring up to 1 non- resident guest. The guest must arrive and leave with the resident. There are no passes for non- residents. The daily fee for the non-resident guest is $8.
To purchase one of the passes, please fill out the attached application and mail to or visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave. You will also be able to purchase a pass from our St. Paul’s staff. All payments must be made by either a check made payable to the “Inc. Village of Garden City” or credit card only, no cash will be accepted. The program will take place fall through spring.
This ten week program will teach the beginner as well as the advanced student the art of painting portrait, landscapes and still-life’s in pastel from photographs. The first lesson will include a portrait and landscape demonstration. Each student will receive the individual attention required at their own pace and level expertise. Arleen Urban, the instructor for this class, is a signature member of the Pastel Society of America. Students must purchase their own art supplies. A list of supplies will be given at their first lesson. Classes take place in the fall and winter months at St. Paul's Cluett Hall.
Exciting volleyball action awaits you Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. in the St. Paul’s Field House during fall and winter months. This co-ed volleyball program features “recreational oriented” games, and is a great way to meet people while you shape up. This program is open to all Village residents who are college age or older. There is no pre-registration required for this program, but proof of residency in the Inc. Village of Garden City will be required. The program begins the Thursday after Columbus Day and end the Thursday before Memorial Day.
The indoor running track in Cluett Hall is open and available for resident’s use. Twenty (20) laps of this track is the equal of one (1) mile. The following guidelines have been established for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. (The track is not open during the Summer Season)
-The track will be open only when there is a Recreation Supervisor on duty.
-Residents wishing to use the track must check in with the Supervisor on duty.
-Residents of High School age and older may use the track only.
-Track is limited to individuals and cannot be used for team workouts
-The track will be closed during scheduled activities such as dances, various performances, movies, yoga, etc which are being held in the Cultural and Performing Arts Center in Cluett Hall.
Any additional questions please call Cluett Hall at (516) 742-4905.
Open Basketball Program is held each Monday and Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. in the St. Paul’s Field House. Games are strictly “pick-up”, and our supervisors keep things moving and work to involve all the participants. This program is open to all Village residents who are high school graduates or older . There is no pre-registration required but proof of residency of the Inc. Village of Garden City will be required. The program begins the after Columbus Day and ends around Memorial Day.