Phone - (516) 465-4075
Phone - (516) 465-4075
The Department of Recreation and Parks is thrilled to announce the arrival of our new Arborist/Horticulturalist, Joseph Umana (516)-465-4076. Joe can be found in the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave.
An important function of the Recreation and Parks Department is caring for our Village trees. With over 12,000 trees on public land throughout the Village, taking care of these natural resources is vital to the character and overall health of the Village.
Our tree division performs tree removals, and planting programs, as well as routine pruning and up-limbing on small to medium size trees, and keeps track of our tree inventory.
For questions regarding the Tree Division, please call the Recreation and Parks main office at 516-465-4076.
Tree removal rules and regulations
Trees are covered in Chapter 188 of the Village Code, and both public and private trees are addressed. Here are several important things to remember regarding planting and removing trees:
1. Trees and/or shrubs may not be planted in the Village median between the curb line and the sidewalk without obtaining a permit from the Recreation and Parks Office. Any tree permitted to be planted in this space becomes property of the Village.
2. It is unlawful for any person to remove or destroy any tree on Village property, or in the Village right-of-way or any tree planted by the Village.
3. It is unlawful for any person to remove or destroy any trees within the Village of Garden City, even if said trees are on “private property”, without first obtaining a permit from the office of Recreation and Parks.
There are financial penalties associated with these codes, so we urge residents who are contemplating removing trees to contact our office for guidance.
Tree Pruning
Trees on Village property must be pruned only by Village Crews or Village appointed contractors. If you have a Village tree by your property and the branches need attention, please call the Recreation and Parks Office, and your request will be placed on our list. We give priority to conditions which might cause injury or property damage. Other requests are handled on a first call, first serve basis.
Annual Tree Removals
On a yearly basis, the Village engages an outside contractor to remove trees too large for our crew to safely handle. This is done through issuance of a public bid which calls out exactly which trees are to be removed, the removal of the tree stumps, and restoration of the area from which the tree was removed. NYS law requires us to award this work to the lowest priced responsible contractor. The Village always requires and checks references, insurance, and previous work to ensure that the removals are done according to our specifications.
Annual Tree Plantings
Twice a year, the Village tree crew plants trees throughout the Village to replace any trees which have been removed, and to enhance the look of our streets, parks, green spaces, and other areas.
Care is taken to maintain the particular “look” of an area by planting trees which will blend in with the existing trees, while a blend of some 13+ species is used to prevent a disease or blight from decimating entire neighborhoods of trees. The village has the right by local law to plant on any village right of way property without the objection of the adjacent property owner.
Residents who would like to have a tree planted in the median in front of their house may make a request by contacting the Recreation and Parks Office. Requests for trees will be evaluated by the Recreation and Parks Tree Division, and some requests may not be able to be honored. Final determination depends on location, size of the median, and the number of trees budgeted to be planted in any particular year.
As of Spring 2025, residents can now request a tree be planted in their front yard (private property) by submitting the above form labeled "Tree Planting on Private Property Request." All forms will go to the Arborist, Joe Umana, where he will make sure the area is appropriate for a tree. Owners are responsible for maintaining the tree from there on out (i.e. watering, pruning and removal if necessary).
For over 30 years, the Village of Garden City has been awarded a plaquette for our dedication to the planting and upkeep of trees in the village. We are one of the many towns across the country honored to be able to call ourselves "Tree City USA". For more information regarding Tree City USA and the meaning behind the movement, please click the link below.
The Spotted Lanternfly has reached Garden City, and we are asking residents to be on the lookout for this invasive pest.
Spotted lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect from Asia that primarily feeds on a wide variety of plants such as grapevine, hops, maple, walnut, fruit trees and others. This insect could impact New York's forests as well as the agricultural and tourism industries.
We are asking all residents to look for the Lantern Fly, and if seen, to please squish them.
PLEASE NOTE: As of August 7, 2023, the Department of Agriculture is no longer asking residents to report sightings of the lantern fly to them.