Phone - (516) 465-4075
Phone - (516) 465-4075
Below are the rules to all Garden City Recreational Facilities. If there are any questions concerning this matter please call the Recreation Administrative Office at (516) 465-4075
Section 1. The use of Village parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and recreational facilities are governed by the following rules and regulations.
Section 2. Definitions – Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used, the following terms shall respectively mean and include each of the meanings as set forth below:
a. “Chairman” shall mean the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Cultural and Recreational Affairs.
b. “Park” shall mean all parks and recreational facilities under the jurisdiction of the recreation department. Specifically, Edgemere, Nassau Haven, Tullamore, Grove, Hemlock, (the forgoing being the neighborhood parks), Stewart Fields, St. Paul’s Recreational Complex, Community Park and Senior Recreation Center.
c. “Permit” shall mean any written authorization issued by or under the authority of the Chairman for a specified act or acts in any park.
Section 3. General Regulations.
a. Park Hours. All parks shall be deemed officially closed to the public between sunset and sunrise except where a permit allows otherwise or specific hours are posted. Community Park is open between the hours of 7am and 11pm, tennis courts close at 10pm. Due to a long standing agreement with neighboring homes, all athletic facility lights will be shut off at 11pm.
b. Park Admittance. The use of the parks shall be available only to Garden City residents and their guests except for those activities open to the public for which a permit had been granted
c. Picnics. Persons or organizations sponsoring picnics shall obtain permits therefore. Permits for picnics shall be issued to Garden City Residents only.
d. Protection of Plant Materials. No person shall remove, destroy, deface or disturb any plant material within any park.
e. Fires. No person shall kindle, build or maintain a fire except in a suitable barbecue grill provided for such purposes by the village. When permitted, a fire shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent adult and thoroughly extinguished after its use.
Section 4. Permits.
a. A permit to do any act shall authorize the same only insofar as it may be performed in strict accordance with the written terms and conditions thereof. The violation of any term or condition of the permit or of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation by the permittee or his or her agents or guests shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and disqualification from receiving a permit in the future.
b. Requests for permits for meetings, exhibits or special events are to be made at least two months in advance of the date requested.
c. The Chairman shall issue such a permit upon application when it has been deemed consistent with the proper use and protection of the park or recreational facility.
d. Issuance of permits is based upon facility availability, number of participants, compliance with insurance requirements and hours of operation. Authorized person signing the permit must be present at the event.
e. Permits for athletic fields and facilities are to be granted or denied based upon the established guidelines or policies for the use of recreational facilities.
f. Insurance requirements. Applications for permits must include a current Certificate of Insurance with limits of not less than $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate naming the organization requesting the permit and naming the Village of Garden City as an additional insured, with exculpatory language removed from the cancellation provision.
Section 5. Prohibited Uses and Conduct
a. Vehicles. No private cars, trucks or motorized vehicles are permitted on athletic fields, service roads or passive grass areas. Vehicles are to be parked in designated parking areas only.
b. Bike Riding. No bike riding is permitted within parks. All bikes are to be ridden to and kept in bike racks.
c. Alcoholic Beverages. No alcoholic beverages are permitted in parks. Requests for alcoholic beverages at special events require the approval of the Board of Trustees.
d. Littering and Refuse. No person shall cause any refuse of any sort to be left or deposited in any park. All park patrons are required to practice the carry in carry out policy with regard to litter. Those materials which become refuse consequential to use within the park must be placed in receptacles provided for refuse or removed by the user when leaving any park.
e. Property. No person shall injure, deface, alter, remove or destroy any property or equipment owned by the village.
f. Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in all parks and recreational facilities
g. No person shall disobey or disregard any directions of a park employee, sign, rule or regulation posted on the grounds or buildings;
h. No person shall use threatening, abusive or insulting language;
i. No person shall engage in any obscene or indecent act;
j. No person shall solicit subscriptions or contributions;
k. No person shall enter or leave any park except at established entrance ways or exits.
l. No person shall attempt to use or gain admittance to the facilities of any park for for which a fee is charged without paying the established fee
m. Gambling. No person shall play any game of chance or bring into any park or use, play, sell or have in his or her possession any implement or devise used for gambling purposes.
n. Firearms, Weapons, Explosives and Fireworks. No person shall bring or have his/her possession any firearm, weapon, explosive or fireworks in any park.
o. Loitering. No person shall loiter or remain in any park or park area after the designated closing time of the park or specific area.
p. Animals. No person shall bring any dog or other animal into a park.
q. Amplification or Production of Sound. No person shall operate any mobile or stationary loudspeaker apparatus, sound system, public address system, or other sound producing device unless specifically permitted by the Chairman. Please be respectful of the neighbors surrounding our parks. The Village noise ordinance policy is enacted between 8 am and 8 pm. Monday through Friday and before 9 am and after 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday.
r. No person shall erect any structure, stage any performance or conduct any athletic contest except by permit.
s. Golfing. No person shall hit golf balls in a park.
t. Lacrosse. No persons shall play or practice lacrosse in any neighborhood park.
Section 6. General Provisions Relating to all Recreation Facilities.
a. Users of Village recreational facilities shall abide by all rules and regulations and shall obey directions of the recreation staff.
b. All persons using Village recreational facilities do so at their own risk and the village assumes no responsibility for personal injury.
c. The Village assumes no responsibility for loss or damage of personal property.
d. These rules and regulations may be revised from time to time as may be deemed expedient.