Phone - (516) 465-4075
Phone - (516) 465-4075
The Recreation and Parks Department offers a variety of Softball Leagues for Village Residents ages 18 and over for both men and women. Each league plays slow pitch softball with a “Clincher” ball. For information about these leagues, please email Steve Espey at
The leagues we offer are as follows:
This league is open to any team comprised of male residents, ages 18 and over. This league is also open to any Village business. In order for a business team to be accepted, a letter from the company must accompany the team’s registration verifying that all members of the team work for that company. All games in this league are played on weekday evenings. The league begins in April and runs through June. Most games are played on Community Park’s Field #3.
This league begins in late June and runs until September. This league is open to any team comprised of women, ages 18 and older, who are Village residents.
All games are played on Community Park’s Field #2.
The Summer league is similar in format to the Spring Men’s league except it is only open to Village residents ages 18 and older. The league starts in late June and runs through October. Games are played at Community Park, Grove Park, the Middle School, and Stewart Field.
Registration for each league takes place approximately 4-6 weeks before the start of the league season. Application packages can be obtained at Community Park and at the Recreation and Parks Administrative Office once registration is announced in the Garden City News. For further information, please contact Steve Espey at (516) 483-2525 or